Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Letter to Jonah at almost 2!

I can't honestly believe that in exactly two months, my little boy is going to be TWO years old!
Not a day has gone by lately that you don't completely amaze me.

Here are some examples--
1)Your memory for things:
- Today we went to Wilson Farm with Saba and Tata. We walked up to where the fish are in the pond in the greenhouse. Before we even got there, you said, "the sign says no throwing rocks in the water". Sure enough, right next to the fish pond was a sign that said just that. You remembered from the last time we were there (at least a month ago).
2)Your vocabulary:
You not only repeat all the long words we say ("delicious", "envelope", many more) but you also repeat them over and over until you say it the right way ("finker" became "sprinkler" after a day of trial and error--led by you!) You describe things perfectly-- "it's sprinkling outside" when it is in fact sprinkling out!
3)Your uncanny sense of direction:
The other day we were in the parking lot for the doctor's office. They happen to share a lot with a restaurant we took you to a few weeks prior. You remembered, and as we are in the lot, you say, "restaurant is over there with the red bench".
You also tell us when we are near parks you like, close to home, etc.
4) Your individuality:
You really don't care what the other kids are all doing. You want to do your own thing and ironically because of that, other kids want to join you-- you are a natural leader, even if not by choice! The other day at the Acton Children's Museum, you wondered off into another room since the other kids had followed you into the room where you were. Next thing I know, you were temporarily lost! You had me terrified for a minute. When I found you, you were not scared at all. You were at the top of the stairs just happy to be doing your own thing. Don't loose this individuality. It's an amazing quality.

My favorite moments with you lately:
-- watching you play by yourself in your room, building towers, train tracks, all by yourself, and making up games with your bunny. The other day you told daddy you want to invite bunny to your birthday party.
-- playing with you on the bed. You love to do "timber!" where you fall down, free-fall style on your back and giggle with pure joy.
-- you still let me hold you (sometimes). I love feeling your soft skin- especially on your back, where it's particularly warm and soft. Mostly, you want to be on your own, but in public, or when you are a little shy in a new environment, you are still ok with me holding you.
-- watching how excited you get to go on the potty. Lately, when you start to go, I ask you if you want to sit on the potty and you run in the most adorable way, arms flailing in the air, with excitement to go sit on the potty.
-- watching you enjoy food-- you say, "mmm" and "It is good!" or "It's delicious!" or "Yummy in my tummy!" This coming from a boy who never really enjoyed food all that much. You are getting much more adventurous now, and eating things like snow peas, grape tomatoes, even lemons!
-- you have starting singing! Really singing! You may be tone deaf, but you get the words right-- so far you sing "Twinkle twinkle", "Baby Mine", "ABCD" (up to G), and are eager to learn more. When I make up a song, you always say, "Mommy, sing it again!" Of course then I can't remember exactly what I sang!

You start pre-school in just a week and I am so excited for you. I think you are really going to love it.

I love you more than words could ever express. You are the one thing that can make me excited to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how early it is.

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