Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mr. Rogers Impression

Big Boy Underpants

I forgot to mention but Jonah has been trained for pee for about 2 months now. He still like to do poops in a diaper but wears underwear the rest of the day. What a big boy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Compliments will get you everywhere

Lately, Jonah has realized that when you want something, it helps to be charming.
Last week, I got my hair cut and whenever Jonah wanted something, he'd say, "I love your haircut Mommy!"
Tonight, since it's been a while since the haircut, after he was in his crib, he was calling out for me to come and cover him up (again). I came in and he said, "Mommy, I really like your pants." (I was wearing my same old pajamas!)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Building bridges (and roads)

Jonah and I built a road using cardboard blocks. He was pretty happy with it, but wanted to make it longer. I said "Go ahead and add some more blocks to the end." He came back a minute later and said "There aren't any blocks the right shape." He was right -- we had used all the blocks that fit together to make the road. There were other blocks around, but as he pointed out, they would leave a bump in the road.