Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm a good listener!

We got a laminating machine today. Jonah was so excited about it and wanted to touch it and the laminating paper, etc. I told him a few times to stop touching it all and then I told him he wasn't being a good listener when he kept touching it.

He was talking to himself in bed after I put him down so i went up to see what it was about. He is now pretty much trained for pee in the toilet, so he was saying, "Mommy, I made a pee pee, please change my diaper!" So then when I took him out he said this:

"Mommy, I am a good listener because I didn't touch the lemonade machine... but Grace is not a good listener since she took off her shoes and socks when her Mommy told her to keep them on!" (While visiting Grace and Carter and Rachael and Dan, Grace did do this!)