Thursday, February 26, 2009

food glorious food!

Jonah tried food for the first time tonight! We gave him oat cereal mixed with formula and he LOVED it! He put his hands in his mouth after every spoonful (to help swallow) and tried to get his hands in the bowl too!
There was just as much cereal on his face and his bib afterward, but it was fun!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby touches

Jonah did something different last night from his usual scratching mommy on the face or pulling her hair. He softly touched mommy's cheek with his hand. Aw!!! So cute!!

Indoor voice

Jonah has been talking a lot and immitating our inflection. The other day I was changing him and he was yelling really loudly... I whispered, "Jonah use your indoor voice". He then proceeded to keep talking in a lower tone voice!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Crib

Daddy is building a crib by hand for Jonah. It will convert into a bed too when he is older. Daddy has been working on the crib for many months and you can check out his blog at
The photo here shows the front and back sides of the crib-- daytime and night time. The stars on the night time board are the constellation of the day Jonah was born (October 24, 2008).

Feb. 12, 2009

Jonah is nearly 4 mos old!
Yesterday, he rolled over for the first time on his own. He was doing "tummy time" and rolled from his tummy to his back. He seemed pretty pleased with himself.
He has also been doing a lot of talking/screaching lately. He says everything very emphatically. He knows what he wants, that guy!
Today we went to get some summer clothes for him, since we are going to Florida in a few weeks!