Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Fun Day- playing and game making!

Jonah had a play date today with Juliet (who for the record is basically the same age as he is). For the first time, he shared his toys without a fuss and even tried to share his juice with her (his most treasured thing!) He was less generous with sharing "Bunny" but we'll forgive him for that.
He pat her on the back and even called her "baby" (I think!) Overall they played stupendously well together, and even sat down for a shared Cheerios snack.

Later tonight, he played a game with us which was all his doing. He took a big spoon off the shelf and ran away with it behind his back. Then he'd come to Sam and I and would intentionally hide it behind his back with one hand and with the other hand make the gesture like, "What's going on here?" prompting us to ask him where the spoon was. He'd then pull it out from behind his back and start laughing.

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