Jonah's next new words!
He repeated "Bubbles" while playing with bubbles, and "sticker" when we gave him a sticker.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Feeding Myself!
Jonah has started grabbing the spoon and feeding himself! Of course, he rarely makes it all the way to his mouth without a little help, but he's determined!!!
Even more (and "no more") talking, etc.
Jonah now combines "no" and "more" to say "no more" when he doesn't want something. He also makes the sign to brush his teeth when he wants to or when you ask him if he wants to.
Yesterday, he said "Wawa" for the water he was drinking and also for the water he used while washing his hands. This morning he gestured at himself and said, "no-na"!
He also calls his favorite stuffed animal that he sleeps with "nunny" (for bunny) and he holds it up high saying, "NUNNY!" He has also said "Baba" for bottle.
Two weeks ago we got a snow storm (the first he remembers)... Here are some pictures!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
MORE talking!!!
We moved into our new home in Lexington this past week and Jonah's speech has been flourishing daily! This past week he started to say "MORE" while he makes the ASL sign with his hands. He says it for food, lights (his favorite thing), tickling, spinning round and round, etc.
Today he said "Car" for the first time while holding a toy car! He also has been saying "ts" for lights (the second sound of the word) for a few weeks now. Oh, and of course he now says "NO!" when he doesn't like something! :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Kissy Kissy!
Jonah learned how to kiss!
Yesterday, Sam and I kissed each other in front of him and he made a pucker face and gave Mommy a kiss! :) Made my day.
Today, I said, "Give mommy a kiss" and he puckered up again-- what a smartie pants.
Nana and Papa Guyer are in town this weekend and we went to the Topsfield Fair with them yesterday which was fun. We went to the petting zoo area and saw a camel, eemu, sheep, cows, and rams.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Some things that Jonah learned over the last week or two:
- Pointing: Jonah learned how point at things, especially lights. He's always been very interested in light switches, but now he's figured out the connection between the switch and the light. He stands, points at the light and says "uuuuuuh" until I turn it on. Then he laughs gleefully.
- Giving: For a while he's understood when we're giving something to him, but recently he started giving stuff to us. The funniest is when he gives us the pacifier: he turns it around, to get the right end facing out, and then (if I let him) shoves it in my mouth! He also enjoyed feeding me Cheerios.
- A flower pot is not a hat: He's always been amused when we put things on our heads (even if they're not really hats). Over the past week he started imitating this behavior. He was holding a bowl and I gestured to my head, and he put the bowl on his head. A minute later he put a rubber-ducky on his head. Nice.
- Gimme the remote: when I put on a slow CD Jonah grabbed the remote and pointed it at the CD player -- not an Alison Krauss fan apparently!
- Apple picking: yesterday we took Jonah apple picking. He didn't really get the "picking" part, but when we gave him a small Jonah-sized apple, we walked over and put in the bag with the rest of the apples!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yesterday, on the first day of Rosh Hashana, what a better way to start the new year! Jonah was exploring the cabinet under the sink, looking in the trash and I said, "Jonah" and he said "MAMA!" loud and clear! Made my day!!! Then later in the day, he patted me on the chest and said "Mama" again!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Slide show of Summer 2009
So much has happened this summer it's hard to cover it all. For a quick summary, check out the photos: Summer 2009
On his 10 month birthday he took his first real steps on his own. For quite a while he really needed our hands to walk. We'd been trying to "ween" him off the hands, but it was tough: whenever we'd let go, he'd immediately sit down. Then, when we were in our hotel room in Boothbay Harbor he took several steps completely on his own. He was balanced and controlled, although he didn't seem to realize that he was walking without help. Even now, he still insists on holding our hands whenever possible, even though it's clear he doesn't need it. The funniest thing is that we can trick him into walking without help by giving him something that requires two hands to carry! He was helping mommy today by carrying a little laundry basket down the hall. I need *that* on video, too.
Some other amazing things he's been doing lately:
- He was eating cheerios the other day, and started feeding them to me.
- Today he put the pacifier in mommy's mouth -- initially, he gave it to her backwards, but then figured out the problem and turned it around.
- He figured out where the balls go in a plastic pinball table we bought. At first he put the ball into a hole in a table and was trying to reach in to get it. Then he figured out that the balls come out in a little tray on the side, and he would look there after putting the ball in the hole.
- Playing the bongos
Finally, he got his first haircut today -- boy, did he need it. He looked like a hippie. See pictures below...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Month 9- walking and talking!
This month was monumental for Jonah! He has been walking (while holding onto hands) and just this past week took his first unassisted steps! He got up from sitting to standing and just walked right over to Mommy. Boy was I surprised!
As for talking, he mimics what we say, so I say "bottle" and he says, "baba". He has also said "Papa" while looking at a picture of Sam's dad (we call him Papa) after I said it. And, he says "Dada" although it's not clear if that just means, "I want something" or if it actually means Sam.
His favorite activities include: reading himself books (he even turns them right-side-up when they are up-side-down!), of course walking/running, playing soccer (which involves kicking his ball while walking), dancing (he dances every time there is music on) and making music with random things and also with things intended to be instruments.
We started another Music Together class a few weeks ago and he LOVES it. As soon as the music starts, he stands up and bounces around and plays his instruments. So fun.
Today we went to Nantucket. It was Jonah's first time on a boat and he loved it! On the trip out, the breeze was blowing so hard and he just opened his mouth and laughed hysterically. Everyone near him couldn't help catching his infectious giddiness. It's interesting to compare this trip to Nantucket with the one we took last summer. On that trip we spent all day on Nantucket and a leisurely evening in Hyannis. The only issue was that Aliza felt very pregnant -- our bicycle ride out to the beach was a real slog. On this trip we were a lot more hurried and stressed. We spent much of the time worried about Jonah's eating and napping schedule. On the plus side, it's a lot easier for Sam to take Jonah now!
A few weeks ago we went to Osterville on Cape Cod to visit with Jacob and Jenna (who is about to have her baby in September). Jonah went swimming for the first time in the pool where we stayed and although he was nervous at first, he really seemed to enjoy it.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Reflecting on Month 7
Jonah continues to grow and change daily. This month he got two new teeth to bring the total to 6! (two on top, 4 on bottom). He is still not a huge fan of eating, ironically. His favorite food is pureed peas. I guess there is no accounting for taste! He doesn't like anything sweet-- in fact yesterday he gagged when I gave him applesauce for the first time. He has also rejected melon, bananas, apples and pears! He is almost completely weaned-- only one nursing a day now when he first wakes up.
He has become quite verbal: He says "dada" when he's hungry (although didn't say it the whole week we were away in Philly without Daddy!) He also says "yayaya".
Physically, he is getting into everything and really seems to want to make an impact on his environment. He raises his arms when he wants to be lifted, tries to walk on his own (though needs some help with the balance), dances to music, opens and shuts his hands when he wants something, and can take things out of his toy bucket and put them back (though it's so much more fun to take them out!)
His facial expressions are the best! He can raise just one eyebrow (making him look quite skeptical) and of course he continues to laugh all the time. He finds the oddest things funny: rain on the window when he tries to touch it, the sound "baba", mommy's hair in his face, rubbing your nose on his tummy, and when someone sneezes or yawns. Other kids are his favorite entertainment. He especially loves little girls with long hair. At Jacob's Bar Mitzvah, he was very intrigued with one of the little girls there with long blond hair (Isabella).
Friday, April 24, 2009
6 Months Old!!!
Today Jonah is 6 months old!!!
To mark this occasion, we went and had photos taken yesterday at "The Picture People" in Burlington Mall. Jonah was such a good sport-- he slept before and after we got the pictures taken and gave good smiles for mommy who was working hard to get them!
Here's the link to the photos...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Fine Motor SKills, Mr. Hansy!
Jonah has an amazing ability to pick up small things with his hands. He is particularly fond of draw strings that hang from Mommy's sweatshirt and Mommy's thin gold necklace. He can pick up just the necklace and hold it in his hand! He also loves to finger tags and Mommy's hair. This week he learned how to turn off and on the light switch in the bathroom!!! Today he saw a light switch in his room and turned it off!!! Too funny that guy.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Passover Visits
We went to Philadelphia and Baltimore for Passover.
Here's a picture with cousins William (15 mos), Owen (7 mos) and Hannah (3.8 yrs).
We also saw Savta and Saba (Grandma and Grandpa Stern) and went to Longwood Gardens with them. Jonah LOVED seeing all the beautiful flowers there.
Here is a photo with Na
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Jonah has two teeth now on the bottom! And no, it doesn't hurt when he nurses. He knows better than to bite the...well, you know.
Today I turned the TV off with the remote and he watched me do it and then tried to reach for the remote afterward. I think he was trying to turn the TV back on-- we never let him watch, and it's a real treat!
He has started trying to "kiss" mommy by grabbing my face and opening his mouth wide and taking a bite.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
food glorious food!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Baby touches
Indoor voice
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Crib
Daddy is building a crib by hand for Jonah. It will convert into a bed too when he is older. Daddy has been working on the crib for many months and you can check out his blog at
The photo here shows the front and back sides of the crib-- daytime and night time. The stars on the night time board are the constellation of the day Jonah was born (October 24, 2008).
Feb. 12, 2009
Jonah is nearly 4 mos old!
Yesterday, he rolled over for the first time on his own. He was doing "tummy time" and rolled from his tummy to his back. He seemed pretty pleased with himself.
He has also been doing a lot of talking/screaching lately. He says everything very emphatically. He knows what he wants, that guy!
Today we went to get some summer clothes for him, since we are going to Florida in a few weeks!
Yesterday, he rolled over for the first time on his own. He was doing "tummy time" and rolled from his tummy to his back. He seemed pretty pleased with himself.
He has also been doing a lot of talking/screaching lately. He says everything very emphatically. He knows what he wants, that guy!
Today we went to get some summer clothes for him, since we are going to Florida in a few weeks!
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