Jonah continues to grow and change daily. This month he got two new teeth to bring the total to 6! (two on top, 4 on bottom). He is still not a huge fan of eating, ironically. His favorite food is pureed peas. I guess there is no accounting for taste! He doesn't like anything sweet-- in fact yesterday he gagged when I gave him applesauce for the first time. He has also rejected melon, bananas, apples and pears! He is almost completely weaned-- only one nursing a day now when he first wakes up.
He has become quite verbal: He says "dada" when he's hungry (although didn't say it the whole week we were away in Philly without Daddy!) He also says "yayaya".
Physically, he is getting into everything and really seems to want to make an impact on his environment. He raises his arms when he wants to be lifted, tries to walk on his own (though needs some help with the balance), dances to music, opens and shuts his hands when he wants something, and can take things out of his toy bucket and put them back (though it's so much more fun to take them out!)
His facial expressions are the best! He can raise just one eyebrow (making him look quite skeptical) and of course he continues to laugh all the time. He finds the oddest things funny: rain on the window when he tries to touch it, the sound "baba", mommy's hair in his face, rubbing your nose on his tummy, and when someone sneezes or yawns. Other kids are his favorite entertainment. He especially loves little girls with long hair. At Jacob's Bar Mitzvah, he was very intrigued with one of the little girls there with long blond hair (Isabella).
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