Jonah has two teeth now on the bottom! And no, it doesn't hurt when he nurses. He knows better than to bite the...well, you know.
Today I turned the TV off with the remote and he watched me do it and then tried to reach for the remote afterward. I think he was trying to turn the TV back on-- we never let him watch, and it's a real treat!
He has started trying to "kiss" mommy by grabbing my face and opening his mouth wide and taking a bite.
Jonah, I love seeing your two new teeth!
ReplyDeleteWe will have to get you a toothbrush to keep them nice and shinny!
Saba and I cannot wait until Monday when you will have your second airplane ride to come visit us for Pesach.
This will be a shorter ride then to Florida so be sure to behave for your Momma since she will be without your Daddy's help.
We love you very, very much!