Friday, December 23, 2011

Learning "Hebrew"

Making Latkes tonight, Jonah was using a whisk to stir ingredients. Sam wanted to use a fork instead. Jonah said, "I want to use the YISK!"
"What's a yisk?"
"It's the Hebrew word for whisk."

Hanukah lights burning down the house! (and right before we move!)

We are dumber than a 3-year-old...
Aliza: I smell something burning.
Sam: Me too!
(Both of us frantically running around the house)
Aliza: Where is it coming from?
Sam: I don't know.
Jonah: It's coming from the candles. In the menorah.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mr. Perceptive

Jonah looks at me and says, "Mommy, are you going to get your hair cut soon? It would look e en prettier if you got it cut Mommy. I really like your hair mommy."

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Talking about edamame beans:
Mommy: "You guys are like two peas in a pod"
Daddy: "We are like two edamame beans in a pod"
Jonah: "No, we are like THREE edamame beans in a pod!"

At bedtime:

"I need you all the time with me Mommy."