While strolling down the street today in Rehoboth Beach, Jonah noticed the car that my dad has. Same color, same brand (Prius). He looked at it and said, "Saba's car" (he calls him Saba).
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Baby Mine knows his cars
I always sing the song "Baby Mine" to Jonah when he is going to sleep. Tonight I started singing it while I rocked his sweet little body in my arms. He looked into my eyes and with his pacifier in his mouth he said, "Make sad". I sang "Twinkle twinkle" instead.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Jonah noticed that he has a freckle on his arm. And one on his hand too. They seemed to have appeared from out of nowhere and it's a little odd seeing them on his otherwise perfectly unblemished skin. Still, it's really cute. He asked me what they were called and I told him "Freckles". Then he pointed to my arm and said, "Mommy have freckles and Jonah have freckles." :)
Friday, June 25, 2010
"Hot Belly" and "Baby C's"
Today Jonah told me, "Jonah have hot belly. Mommy check it." Then he lied down on the mat on the floor and waited for me to "check it". I poked and prodded and he just laughed. Then I realized that he hadn't pooped all day and that's probably what he meant. I told him he probably had a poop in there and then he went on the potty seat and pooped. Go figure. A hot belly.
Tonight for his bedtime book, Jonah chose an "ABC" Dr. Seuss book. He called it the "Baby C's" book. He laughed hysterically at the Dr. Seussisms, especially the "Q" page: The Quick Queen of Quincy and her quaking quaker.
Tonight for his bedtime book, Jonah chose an "ABC" Dr. Seuss book. He called it the "Baby C's" book. He laughed hysterically at the Dr. Seussisms, especially the "Q" page: The Quick Queen of Quincy and her quaking quaker.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lost Belly Buttons
Jonah has had a bad cough and cold the past few days so yesterday we went to the doctor and while she examined him with her stethescope, she played this game with him of trying to find his belly button. She looked on his back, his chest, etc. Then she said, "Did you leave your belly button at home?" He thought this was pretty funny and kept repeating that phrase, "Bewwy button at home" over and over once we got home. Thank goodness for Dr. Landis who always keeps us both smiling no matter how badly we feel. :)
Counting Pennies
Jonah has an old spice jar he carries around with him that has pennies in it that we gave him. Today I asked him how many pennies he had. He "dumped" them out (his words) and counted one by one... "one, two, free, fooah, five!" Wow. I was dumbfounded and giddy with pride.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
- No fall in fountain!
- Jonah frow pennies in fountain!
- No bite mommy. I sorry.
- I all done (food).
- Jonah go poopy in potty!
- Rain rain go away Mommy and Jonah want to play!
- Toes hiding in jamas (pajamas)/sand/mud/grass/dirt
- Jonah try it. Jonah have it. Jonah need it. Jonah want it. Jonah buy it. (all stuff he wants)
- Delicious!
- Jonah frow pennies in fountain!
- No bite mommy. I sorry.
- I all done (food).
- Jonah go poopy in potty!
- Rain rain go away Mommy and Jonah want to play!
- Toes hiding in jamas (pajamas)/sand/mud/grass/dirt
- Jonah try it. Jonah have it. Jonah need it. Jonah want it. Jonah buy it. (all stuff he wants)
- Delicious!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Poopy WITHOUT diaper
Jonah asked today to go poopy on the potty (again) and this time we got brave and took his diaper off. He proceeded to poop on the potty!!! YAY! (of course when I took him off, he continued to poop down my leg, but hey, it's a start!)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Jonah in a circle
Jonah was listening the other day to his CD from Music Together (music class) and there is a song called "Old Brass Wagon" where one of the lines is, "Circle to the left old brass wagon...Circle to the right old brass wagon...". Sam asked Jonah if he wanted to go in a circle. Jonah went and stood inside one of the circular shapes on our rug and said, "Jonah in a circle!" Too funny.
Potty talk
This past Thursday, Jonah was home for a few hours with Daddy while Mommy went out and did an errand. Apparently, big stuff happened! Literally! Jonah told Sam he had to go poopy and he wanted to go on the potty. Sam brought him into the bathroom, put him on his potty (with diaper on) and Jonah asked for some privacy. Then, he proceeded to go poop on the potty! When Sam came in to check on him he was reaching for toilet paper, saying, "too much paper!"
Since then, every time he has to go poop, he asks to go on the potty (still with diaper on-- we haven't gotten completely brave yet!)
Since then, every time he has to go poop, he asks to go on the potty (still with diaper on-- we haven't gotten completely brave yet!)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Person Places and Things

Jonah has an uncanny ability to remember places. Here are a few examples:
-- Driving on the street that leads to a big playground, he says, "Too cold (for) playground".
-- Walking past the ATM machine, he says, "Mommy get money in machine".
-- Driving away from our house he says, "Bye bye home" and when getting close to home on the return he says, "Home!"
-- Driving or walking near library he says, "Jonah library!" "See fishees!"
-- Driving past T station, he says, "Jonah go on train!!!"
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