This is a list of songs Jonah knows all (or nearly all) the words to:
Leaving on a Jet Plane
Close Your Eyes (he'll tell you James Taylor sings this one!)
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Twinkle Twinkle
You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato
Big Green Tractor (Jason Aldeen, Country music)
Songs he has made up:
"Upside Down Song"
"Tractor Song"
Versions of close your eyes, like, "Eat this part, it's all right to eat this part" (In place of "Close your eyes, You can close your eyes, it's all right)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Being Funny
Jonah (looking at the top of Sam's head): Daddy should get some more hair on there. Daddy should buy some.
While looking at a driver in the car next to us (male, Hispanic), Jonah says, "Look, there's Tata....NO! That's not Tata!"
While looking at a driver in the car next to us (male, Hispanic), Jonah says, "Look, there's Tata....NO! That's not Tata!"
Friday, December 17, 2010
Homonyms and other word plays
Today while watching the pool at the gym from above, Jonah asked what the lines in the pool were. I tried to explain the lines divided the pool into "lanes" so people could swim in straight rows. He said, "lanes, like Elaina!" (a girl in his school).
This evening Jonah told a knock-knock joke -- his first, and he did it correctly!:
Jonah: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Jonah: Cargo
Me: Cargo who?
Jonah: Car go beep beep
This evening Jonah told a knock-knock joke -- his first, and he did it correctly!:
Jonah: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Jonah: Cargo
Me: Cargo who?
Jonah: Car go beep beep
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Disappearing oranges
This evening (ok, way after bedtime) Jonah wanted some oranges. We put six sections on his tray and ate one. I asked him how many were left and he said "five"! He ate another and said he had four left. Then at three, for some reason, he went back to six. But still, pretty good!
Word of the day...
12/8/10: HUMIDIFIER!!!
Said randomly while we were playing in the front seat of the car (one of Jonah's favorite things to do). He must've been thinking about it for a while, since we said it the night before when filling it up to put him to bed.
Said randomly while we were playing in the front seat of the car (one of Jonah's favorite things to do). He must've been thinking about it for a while, since we said it the night before when filling it up to put him to bed.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mommy doesn't have a penis and other discoveries
Well, I guess it was bound to happen....
Today was the day. Jonah saw me getting dressed, came over and said, "Mommy has a penis". I told him I didn't have a penis, that only boys have penises. He tried to get a closer look, and then he proclaimed, "Mommy has a poopy there!"
Later in the day (hours later), he repeated to Sam that, "Mommy doesn't have a penis".
At dinner, Sam was drinking beer and Jonah asked to have some of it. Sam said no. Then moments later, Jonah saunters over to Sam's seat and said, "Hi Daddy, what are you drinking?" Ah, so smooth.
Today was the day. Jonah saw me getting dressed, came over and said, "Mommy has a penis". I told him I didn't have a penis, that only boys have penises. He tried to get a closer look, and then he proclaimed, "Mommy has a poopy there!"
Later in the day (hours later), he repeated to Sam that, "Mommy doesn't have a penis".
At dinner, Sam was drinking beer and Jonah asked to have some of it. Sam said no. Then moments later, Jonah saunters over to Sam's seat and said, "Hi Daddy, what are you drinking?" Ah, so smooth.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
"That is how it works"...
"First the leaves fall off the trees, then it gets cold out and then the snow falls and then we get our boots on and play in the snow." (and that is how it works, according to Jonah).
Also, at music class this week, Paula asked, "What is something that goes turning in your heart?" Jonah yelled out, "A big wheel!" (that is how the song goes). He was the only kid in the room who said anything (and there are a lot of older kids).
Also, at music class this week, Paula asked, "What is something that goes turning in your heart?" Jonah yelled out, "A big wheel!" (that is how the song goes). He was the only kid in the room who said anything (and there are a lot of older kids).
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Letter to Jonah at 2 yrs, almost 2 weeks
You came into our lives, and we were forever changed in ways we never could have expected.
As an infant, you were a colicky, covered in eczema adorable mess. You kept your mommy busy with nursings every two hours round the clock for 8 months. At 8 months, with your already 4 teeth (two on top, two on bottom), you started biting me when I nursed you and that was that. Magically, the eczema and crankiness totally disappeared. Ah, if only we would have known it was all the eggs! Sorry!!! Since then, you have been a complete delight, in every way.
You have always been advanced and early in every way-- you started getting teeth at 4 months, walked on your own at 10 mos (on our two year anniversary trip to Boothbay!), started talking before you were a year old...full sentences before two.... potty training before two.... the list goes on.
You are such an independent, spirited little boy. Yesterday, you got a present for your birthday of a truck that has big screws you can unscrew with a big power drill. You sat on the kitchen floor, I swear, for an hour determined to figure out how to do it "all by yourself". The only time you got frustrated was when I asked if I could help you. Sure enough, you did figure it out and were screwing and unscrewing those screws the rest of the night. (Thanks Pauline and Ellery!) :)
You love singing and have developed quite a repertoire. Your favorite thing to do is sit with your guitar (you call it "catar") and play and sing. You know all the words to the ABC song, Baba Black Sheep, The Rainbow Connection, Somewhere over the rainbow, and songs you sing at school like the Bubble Gum song.
You are still not very cuddly, but yesterday when I had to run out to the store and daddy was putting you to bed you gave me my fist real kiss on the cheek. It was by far the highlight of my week!!!
You have such amazing intuition about people and places. You also have an amazing memory. You recognize places we have only been to one time, and remember details about that time, like a parking lot or a restaurant we ate at once. When I passed by a friends house, you told me that I passed by it! Boy oh boy! I better watch out! At the playground yesterday, there were a lot of older wild kids and you walked off on your own and kicked through the fall leaves, happily. You told me when you are bigger you will play with the stuff the big kids were playing on. You explained how when the leaves were done falling it would be winter time and then we would have snow. You remembered this from when I told you that one time many weeks ago.
Although you are really starting to test your dad and me, we love you for it. We know you just want to do everything by yourself and we are trying as best we know how to let you.
My most favorite thing in the world is holding your hand in mine. The way your hand feels- so soft, so little, so innocent and trusting. I love it when you want to hold my hand. It's such a privilege and I feel like the luckiest mom in the entire world to have you for my son. I know your daddy feels the same way.
You have made me a more patient person, a more grateful person, and a more loving person. You have tested my boundaries, and taught me that love has none.
I love you with all of my heart.
Hugs and kisses,
You came into our lives, and we were forever changed in ways we never could have expected.
As an infant, you were a colicky, covered in eczema adorable mess. You kept your mommy busy with nursings every two hours round the clock for 8 months. At 8 months, with your already 4 teeth (two on top, two on bottom), you started biting me when I nursed you and that was that. Magically, the eczema and crankiness totally disappeared. Ah, if only we would have known it was all the eggs! Sorry!!! Since then, you have been a complete delight, in every way.
You have always been advanced and early in every way-- you started getting teeth at 4 months, walked on your own at 10 mos (on our two year anniversary trip to Boothbay!), started talking before you were a year old...full sentences before two.... potty training before two.... the list goes on.
You are such an independent, spirited little boy. Yesterday, you got a present for your birthday of a truck that has big screws you can unscrew with a big power drill. You sat on the kitchen floor, I swear, for an hour determined to figure out how to do it "all by yourself". The only time you got frustrated was when I asked if I could help you. Sure enough, you did figure it out and were screwing and unscrewing those screws the rest of the night. (Thanks Pauline and Ellery!) :)
You love singing and have developed quite a repertoire. Your favorite thing to do is sit with your guitar (you call it "catar") and play and sing. You know all the words to the ABC song, Baba Black Sheep, The Rainbow Connection, Somewhere over the rainbow, and songs you sing at school like the Bubble Gum song.
You are still not very cuddly, but yesterday when I had to run out to the store and daddy was putting you to bed you gave me my fist real kiss on the cheek. It was by far the highlight of my week!!!
You have such amazing intuition about people and places. You also have an amazing memory. You recognize places we have only been to one time, and remember details about that time, like a parking lot or a restaurant we ate at once. When I passed by a friends house, you told me that I passed by it! Boy oh boy! I better watch out! At the playground yesterday, there were a lot of older wild kids and you walked off on your own and kicked through the fall leaves, happily. You told me when you are bigger you will play with the stuff the big kids were playing on. You explained how when the leaves were done falling it would be winter time and then we would have snow. You remembered this from when I told you that one time many weeks ago.
Although you are really starting to test your dad and me, we love you for it. We know you just want to do everything by yourself and we are trying as best we know how to let you.
My most favorite thing in the world is holding your hand in mine. The way your hand feels- so soft, so little, so innocent and trusting. I love it when you want to hold my hand. It's such a privilege and I feel like the luckiest mom in the entire world to have you for my son. I know your daddy feels the same way.
You have made me a more patient person, a more grateful person, and a more loving person. You have tested my boundaries, and taught me that love has none.
I love you with all of my heart.
Hugs and kisses,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Acting like a two year old (in a good way!!!)
Today, Jonah was virtually potty trained. He came home from school early, after lunch (since I brought in cupcakes to celebrate). He immediately said that he wanted to go poop on the potty, and he did just that. Then, the rest of the day, he asked to use the potty every time he went pee. His diaper stayed dry all day!!!
He decided at bedtime that he wanted to read ME the stories, so he picked the books, and one by one went page by page, repeating almost verbatim what he had heard us read. He read the "Are you My Mother" book and at the end said, "I know who you are, you are my mommy and I love you very much!" (this is how it ends), and then turned to me and said the same thing.
He decided at bedtime that he wanted to read ME the stories, so he picked the books, and one by one went page by page, repeating almost verbatim what he had heard us read. He read the "Are you My Mother" book and at the end said, "I know who you are, you are my mommy and I love you very much!" (this is how it ends), and then turned to me and said the same thing.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Jonah has been singing A LOT lately!
He often takes out his play guitar and sings while strumming. So far, we've heard all these songs in their entirety:
-Rainbow Connection
-Somewhere over the Rainbow
- I've been working on the Railroad
- Ba Ba Black Sheep
-Alphabet Song
He also tries his best to get the words from all the different songs he hears on the stereo/CDs. It's hysterical to watch!
He often takes out his play guitar and sings while strumming. So far, we've heard all these songs in their entirety:
-Rainbow Connection
-Somewhere over the Rainbow
- I've been working on the Railroad
- Ba Ba Black Sheep
-Alphabet Song
He also tries his best to get the words from all the different songs he hears on the stereo/CDs. It's hysterical to watch!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Funny things
-We were at Jill's the other day and Jonah looked at their red pillows in the living room and said, "We have pillows like this at home".
- Now when Jonah hears a quiet song, he says, "This is a sleepy song".
- Tonight at the dinner table, Jonah looked surprisingly at his fingers and said, "You have a toenail on your finger!"
- Now when Jonah hears a quiet song, he says, "This is a sleepy song".
- Tonight at the dinner table, Jonah looked surprisingly at his fingers and said, "You have a toenail on your finger!"
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Poopy on the Potty (or "the brown one")
Last night while in the bathtub, Jonah says, "there's a tube in your tushy". I asked if he had to poop and he said yes so I put him on the potty and he sat and made on there! He was all excited to flush it down the big toilet afterward.
Tonight, as I was changing his diaper before bedtime, he said he wanted to go poopy again on the potty so I took him on it. He made a pee but not a poop. He got off the toilet and looked inside. He said, "Where's the brown one?" I explained to him that only pee pee came out and it's yellow, not brown. He seemed surprised. He kept saying that there was a whole in his penis. I explained it's where the pee comes out. Fascinated.
Tonight, as I was changing his diaper before bedtime, he said he wanted to go poopy again on the potty so I took him on it. He made a pee but not a poop. He got off the toilet and looked inside. He said, "Where's the brown one?" I explained to him that only pee pee came out and it's yellow, not brown. He seemed surprised. He kept saying that there was a whole in his penis. I explained it's where the pee comes out. Fascinated.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Alphabet Song
Jonah surprised me yesterday after returning home from "school". We were just playing in his room and out of nowhere he starts singing the entire alphabet song- from A to "now I know my ABCs..." I couldn't believe it! The best was his reaction to how excited I got. He just kept giggling. Have to catch it on tape now!
Monday, August 30, 2010
More Funny Jonah-isms
Jonah helped me make a wreath tonight. I went to the store and got the supplies and then came home with them. He looked at the bag and said, "A present?" I showed him what it was and how he could help me make it. He just kept exclaiming, "It is beautiful!" He got so excited being able to help place the leaves and berries into the wreath. "Jonah is helping Mommy" he'd say.
When I put him down to bed tonight, I said, "Bed time for Bonzo!" Jonah replied, "I love you, Bonzo!"
The Daddy Report: yesterday we went to visit Perrin, Jack, and Juliet. Jonah got to play with all new toys. He found a toy that consists of a spiral tube with a funnel at the top. He hauled the toy over to me and said "Where's the ball for this?"
They have a Kettler tricycle, just like ours. He pointed to it and said "they have that".
At lunch today (and previously), he said, "This tastes good, it's delicious!"
When I put him down to bed tonight, I said, "Bed time for Bonzo!" Jonah replied, "I love you, Bonzo!"
The Daddy Report: yesterday we went to visit Perrin, Jack, and Juliet. Jonah got to play with all new toys. He found a toy that consists of a spiral tube with a funnel at the top. He hauled the toy over to me and said "Where's the ball for this?"
They have a Kettler tricycle, just like ours. He pointed to it and said "they have that".
At lunch today (and previously), he said, "This tastes good, it's delicious!"
To the Moon!
While at the Lincoln Park playground this morning, Jonah spotted the moon in the sky. He said, "Look! There's the moon!" "Want to go and see it!" Then, he started running for the gate so that he could get closer to the moon. He started running on the field, trying to get closer to it. Finally, I told him the moon was too far to reach. We needed a rocket ship to get to the moon. He seemed ok with that.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Letter to Jonah at almost 2!
I can't honestly believe that in exactly two months, my little boy is going to be TWO years old!
Not a day has gone by lately that you don't completely amaze me.
Here are some examples--
1)Your memory for things:
- Today we went to Wilson Farm with Saba and Tata. We walked up to where the fish are in the pond in the greenhouse. Before we even got there, you said, "the sign says no throwing rocks in the water". Sure enough, right next to the fish pond was a sign that said just that. You remembered from the last time we were there (at least a month ago).
2)Your vocabulary:
You not only repeat all the long words we say ("delicious", "envelope", many more) but you also repeat them over and over until you say it the right way ("finker" became "sprinkler" after a day of trial and error--led by you!) You describe things perfectly-- "it's sprinkling outside" when it is in fact sprinkling out!
3)Your uncanny sense of direction:
The other day we were in the parking lot for the doctor's office. They happen to share a lot with a restaurant we took you to a few weeks prior. You remembered, and as we are in the lot, you say, "restaurant is over there with the red bench".
You also tell us when we are near parks you like, close to home, etc.
4) Your individuality:
You really don't care what the other kids are all doing. You want to do your own thing and ironically because of that, other kids want to join you-- you are a natural leader, even if not by choice! The other day at the Acton Children's Museum, you wondered off into another room since the other kids had followed you into the room where you were. Next thing I know, you were temporarily lost! You had me terrified for a minute. When I found you, you were not scared at all. You were at the top of the stairs just happy to be doing your own thing. Don't loose this individuality. It's an amazing quality.
My favorite moments with you lately:
-- watching you play by yourself in your room, building towers, train tracks, all by yourself, and making up games with your bunny. The other day you told daddy you want to invite bunny to your birthday party.
-- playing with you on the bed. You love to do "timber!" where you fall down, free-fall style on your back and giggle with pure joy.
-- you still let me hold you (sometimes). I love feeling your soft skin- especially on your back, where it's particularly warm and soft. Mostly, you want to be on your own, but in public, or when you are a little shy in a new environment, you are still ok with me holding you.
-- watching how excited you get to go on the potty. Lately, when you start to go, I ask you if you want to sit on the potty and you run in the most adorable way, arms flailing in the air, with excitement to go sit on the potty.
-- watching you enjoy food-- you say, "mmm" and "It is good!" or "It's delicious!" or "Yummy in my tummy!" This coming from a boy who never really enjoyed food all that much. You are getting much more adventurous now, and eating things like snow peas, grape tomatoes, even lemons!
-- you have starting singing! Really singing! You may be tone deaf, but you get the words right-- so far you sing "Twinkle twinkle", "Baby Mine", "ABCD" (up to G), and are eager to learn more. When I make up a song, you always say, "Mommy, sing it again!" Of course then I can't remember exactly what I sang!
You start pre-school in just a week and I am so excited for you. I think you are really going to love it.
I love you more than words could ever express. You are the one thing that can make me excited to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how early it is.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Fun and Friends and Acton Children's Museum
Today we went to the Children's Discovery Museum in Acton with Tracey and her son Wyatt and Pauline and Ellery.
Before we left, we were at home and Jonah wanted to "go play in backyard!" since it was a sunny beautiful day. I was trying to convince him to go in the car so I told him Ellery was going. He remembered that the last time we got together with Ellery, she yelled, "NO!" loudly and so he told me, "Ellery says NO!" I said that she was just in a bad mood that day and he repeated "Ellery in a bad mood".
We got there, had a ball (literally-- there's a "ball room"), also in the water room where a big bubble wraps around you and in lots of other rooms. At one point, I panicked since I couldn't find Jonah. He had climbed up to the next level by himself and was just doing his own thing. That guy! He loves being where noone else is and being Mr. Independent.
In the car on the way home, he had a bag of fishies and I reached my hand back to get them from him but instead he gave me a foot! He didn't want to give those fishies up!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Trip to "The Fountain Store"
Today we walked to the garden shop near us, which Jonah likes to refer to as "The Fountain Store". After looking around a bit at fountains and plants, he said that he wanted to go in the bushes. He "hid" himself among the bushes and said, "Jonah makin' a nice poopy in bushes". "Mommy go look at fountain ovah deyah." (he didn't want me to watch him pooping). I took a few steps away and pretended to be looking at a flower nearby. I exclaimed what a beautiful flower it was and he came out from the bushes to repeat, "what a beautiful flowah".
I told him we had to go home to change his poopy diaper and he said, "sit in strolla with poopy diapah."
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Mommy: What are you doing? (he's looking out the window)
Jonah: Checking the weather. See if it's raining.
Mommy: It's time to go to bed
Jonah: Goodnight weather.
Jonah: Goodnight beautiful day.
In bed:
Mommy: Good night Jonah I Love you.
Jonah: I wuv you. Boys say dat.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fork Lift
Given Jonah's utter love for all tractors, trucks and construction vehicles, we got him a little gift of a fork that is shaped like a tractor. He picked it up, looked at it, and said, "FORK LIFT!"
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Learning to Sing
Jonah has been practicing singing lately.
Yesterday in the car, I had the country music station on and Jonah was in the back going "La lalalal lalala". I asked what he was doing and he said "singing!"
He can also sing "Twinkle Twinkle" in it's entirety but usually waits til he's alone in his crib to do it.
He makes requests for me to sing certain songs like "Baby Mine". He then can sing "Baby Mine don't you cry..."
Yesterday in the car, I had the country music station on and Jonah was in the back going "La lalalal lalala". I asked what he was doing and he said "singing!"
He can also sing "Twinkle Twinkle" in it's entirety but usually waits til he's alone in his crib to do it.
He makes requests for me to sing certain songs like "Baby Mine". He then can sing "Baby Mine don't you cry..."
Monday, August 9, 2010
Showing his independence but still a softie at heart
True story: Put J. down for a nap and he says, "Mommy get out!" So I abruptly leave, close the door and hear through the door: "I wuv you mommy".
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Funny Jonah-isms
-- "Water came out of penis!"
-- "No go in store, go down stairs and see animals." (at Wilson's Farm)
-- "No go in store, go down stairs and see animals." (at Wilson's Farm)
-- "Mommy's name "Uweeezah"!
-- "Want it. Need it. Have it. Buy it!"
-- "Please..." "Please can I have it?"
-- When Juliet tries to give him a hug he says, "No thank you" and turns his cheek.
-- "Bunny have two ears and bunny have two eyes"
-- "Tractors can't fly, boats can't fly, trucks can't fly..." "Trucks go on the road!"
-- "Mommy and Jonah go on airplane to visit Tata and Saba and Cosetty"
-- Things that make Jonah laugh: "Car decorated like cake", "Give mommy rasp-bewy on shoulder", "
-- "That guy!" referring to anyone of interest nearby (1-2 feet)
-- "Knock down daddy's tower; daddy be crying crying"
-- "Don't fall in flowers! Be crying crying"
-- "Only mommies daddies go in de-ah [there]"
--"Only workmen go in de-ah" (in tractors, offices, etc.)
--"Only workmen go in de-ah" (in tractors, offices, etc.)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
-This week, Jonah learned how to climb both up AND down the stairs by himself. He says, "hold on to railing" and he does-- by himself.
- He now can count to 10. The first time he did it was in the car about a week ago when we were on the Cape visiting Jacob and Jenna. He just looked at his shoe, moved his finger along the sole, and started counting-- he made it 1-10 by himself.
- Related to counting, today, I alternated numbers with him (I say "1", he says "2", etc.).
- Somersaults!!! Just started doing them on his own, without any rhyme or reason. He loves it though and laughs hysterically when he does it.
- Using possessives and pronouns ("Jonah's", "Mommy's", "her", "him", etc.)
- SINGING!!! He may be tone deaf, but he can sing the words to "Twikle Twinkle" (some of them) and "ABCD" (ok maybe just ABC). "Baby Mine Don't You Cry" (but it "makes sad")
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Daddy Report
At the house in Rehoboth Beach Jonah was jumping on a little kid-sized easy chair and yelling out "A-boombah!". I starting laughing so hard. Jonah saw me laughing, stopped and with a big grin on his face said "Jonah is funny".
The other day Jonah and I made lasagna. I wanted him to stand on our stepstool to help me. When he helped Nanna make lasagna he was in charge of sprinkling parmesan cheese on each layer (which he calls "sprinkle sprinkle"). I looked all over for the stepstool, but couldn't find it. Jonah watched me look around and then said "Stepstool in basement". He was right!
Jonah and I were building various things with Legos -- trucks, airplanes, towers, castles, etc. One thing we like to do is make them very tall. Jonah will say "almost as tall as Jonah is" and "might fall down". As we were playing my tower got too tall and fell over. With a sad tone in my voice I said "Daddy's tower fell down". Jonah stopped what he was doing, came over and patted me on the back.
Jonah and I were in the kitchen, and I was unloading the dishwasher. As I bent over to get some dishes, Jonah came up behind me and said "Pat daddy's butt" while he did just that.
Jonah wanted to go play in the back yard, but I told him I didn't think that was a good idea (because it was lunchtime and naptime). He said "Go ask mommy play back yard". Already trying to play us off each other!
Lately Jonah has had some eczema on his butt and legs (probably from the heat). When we change him he'll say "Want tushy cream. Put some on it!"
The other day Jonah and I made lasagna. I wanted him to stand on our stepstool to help me. When he helped Nanna make lasagna he was in charge of sprinkling parmesan cheese on each layer (which he calls "sprinkle sprinkle"). I looked all over for the stepstool, but couldn't find it. Jonah watched me look around and then said "Stepstool in basement". He was right!
Jonah and I were building various things with Legos -- trucks, airplanes, towers, castles, etc. One thing we like to do is make them very tall. Jonah will say "almost as tall as Jonah is" and "might fall down". As we were playing my tower got too tall and fell over. With a sad tone in my voice I said "Daddy's tower fell down". Jonah stopped what he was doing, came over and patted me on the back.
Jonah and I were in the kitchen, and I was unloading the dishwasher. As I bent over to get some dishes, Jonah came up behind me and said "Pat daddy's butt" while he did just that.
Jonah wanted to go play in the back yard, but I told him I didn't think that was a good idea (because it was lunchtime and naptime). He said "Go ask mommy play back yard". Already trying to play us off each other!
Lately Jonah has had some eczema on his butt and legs (probably from the heat). When we change him he'll say "Want tushy cream. Put some on it!"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Baby Mine knows his cars
I always sing the song "Baby Mine" to Jonah when he is going to sleep. Tonight I started singing it while I rocked his sweet little body in my arms. He looked into my eyes and with his pacifier in his mouth he said, "Make sad". I sang "Twinkle twinkle" instead.
While strolling down the street today in Rehoboth Beach, Jonah noticed the car that my dad has. Same color, same brand (Prius). He looked at it and said, "Saba's car" (he calls him Saba).
Monday, June 28, 2010
Jonah noticed that he has a freckle on his arm. And one on his hand too. They seemed to have appeared from out of nowhere and it's a little odd seeing them on his otherwise perfectly unblemished skin. Still, it's really cute. He asked me what they were called and I told him "Freckles". Then he pointed to my arm and said, "Mommy have freckles and Jonah have freckles." :)
Friday, June 25, 2010
"Hot Belly" and "Baby C's"
Today Jonah told me, "Jonah have hot belly. Mommy check it." Then he lied down on the mat on the floor and waited for me to "check it". I poked and prodded and he just laughed. Then I realized that he hadn't pooped all day and that's probably what he meant. I told him he probably had a poop in there and then he went on the potty seat and pooped. Go figure. A hot belly.
Tonight for his bedtime book, Jonah chose an "ABC" Dr. Seuss book. He called it the "Baby C's" book. He laughed hysterically at the Dr. Seussisms, especially the "Q" page: The Quick Queen of Quincy and her quaking quaker.
Tonight for his bedtime book, Jonah chose an "ABC" Dr. Seuss book. He called it the "Baby C's" book. He laughed hysterically at the Dr. Seussisms, especially the "Q" page: The Quick Queen of Quincy and her quaking quaker.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Lost Belly Buttons
Jonah has had a bad cough and cold the past few days so yesterday we went to the doctor and while she examined him with her stethescope, she played this game with him of trying to find his belly button. She looked on his back, his chest, etc. Then she said, "Did you leave your belly button at home?" He thought this was pretty funny and kept repeating that phrase, "Bewwy button at home" over and over once we got home. Thank goodness for Dr. Landis who always keeps us both smiling no matter how badly we feel. :)
Counting Pennies
Jonah has an old spice jar he carries around with him that has pennies in it that we gave him. Today I asked him how many pennies he had. He "dumped" them out (his words) and counted one by one... "one, two, free, fooah, five!" Wow. I was dumbfounded and giddy with pride.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
- No fall in fountain!
- Jonah frow pennies in fountain!
- No bite mommy. I sorry.
- I all done (food).
- Jonah go poopy in potty!
- Rain rain go away Mommy and Jonah want to play!
- Toes hiding in jamas (pajamas)/sand/mud/grass/dirt
- Jonah try it. Jonah have it. Jonah need it. Jonah want it. Jonah buy it. (all stuff he wants)
- Delicious!
- Jonah frow pennies in fountain!
- No bite mommy. I sorry.
- I all done (food).
- Jonah go poopy in potty!
- Rain rain go away Mommy and Jonah want to play!
- Toes hiding in jamas (pajamas)/sand/mud/grass/dirt
- Jonah try it. Jonah have it. Jonah need it. Jonah want it. Jonah buy it. (all stuff he wants)
- Delicious!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Poopy WITHOUT diaper
Jonah asked today to go poopy on the potty (again) and this time we got brave and took his diaper off. He proceeded to poop on the potty!!! YAY! (of course when I took him off, he continued to poop down my leg, but hey, it's a start!)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Jonah in a circle
Jonah was listening the other day to his CD from Music Together (music class) and there is a song called "Old Brass Wagon" where one of the lines is, "Circle to the left old brass wagon...Circle to the right old brass wagon...". Sam asked Jonah if he wanted to go in a circle. Jonah went and stood inside one of the circular shapes on our rug and said, "Jonah in a circle!" Too funny.
Potty talk
This past Thursday, Jonah was home for a few hours with Daddy while Mommy went out and did an errand. Apparently, big stuff happened! Literally! Jonah told Sam he had to go poopy and he wanted to go on the potty. Sam brought him into the bathroom, put him on his potty (with diaper on) and Jonah asked for some privacy. Then, he proceeded to go poop on the potty! When Sam came in to check on him he was reaching for toilet paper, saying, "too much paper!"
Since then, every time he has to go poop, he asks to go on the potty (still with diaper on-- we haven't gotten completely brave yet!)
Since then, every time he has to go poop, he asks to go on the potty (still with diaper on-- we haven't gotten completely brave yet!)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Person Places and Things

Jonah has an uncanny ability to remember places. Here are a few examples:
-- Driving on the street that leads to a big playground, he says, "Too cold (for) playground".
-- Walking past the ATM machine, he says, "Mommy get money in machine".
-- Driving away from our house he says, "Bye bye home" and when getting close to home on the return he says, "Home!"
-- Driving or walking near library he says, "Jonah library!" "See fishees!"
-- Driving past T station, he says, "Jonah go on train!!!"
Sunday, May 30, 2010
From one to two to three word sentences...
"only daddy drinks poffee (coffee)"
"only daddy sharp knife"
"daddy sit on bike. go work".
"daddy touch ocean...jonah touch ocean"
"stars blinking" (in store)
"sit in car short time"
"daddy/mommy help you"
"sit on stool"
"lights turn green!!!"
"park too cold."
"more karaide" (parade)
"not in mouth, mommy take away!" (about something that shouldn't be in his mouth)
Stuff we've been up to:
-- Davis Farmland (Sterling, MA) for petting zoo and water park. Jonah loved the animals, but held onto mommy for dear life at the water park. He didn't like all that water "in eyes".
-- Trip "going on train" downtown on the T. Jonah loved the ride so much he didn't want to get off and as soon as we were off was asking to get back on the train. He still asks to go on the train every time we drive past Alewife T station (and knew it was a train station even before we ever took a train there!)
-- Trip to Ogunquit beach (Maine) for Memorial Day weekend. He wanted to touch the sand and water but was very tentative. Wanted daddy to do it first.
-- Various local playgrounds: Jonah is starting to climb up the ladders by himself and slide down slides by himself. He likes to walk across the "wiggle wiggle" bridge.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
"Jonah Do!"
"Daddy's juice" (pointing to wine bottle)
"Mommy tush" (while mommy is getting dressed)
"machine" (lawn mower next door)
"op-nee window" (open window)
"take home" (about toy in store he wanted).
"tankyu" (thank you) when we bought the toy, said to store clerk).
"bye bye home" (driving away from home)
"More adar" (more stars- when making stars out of playdoh)
"Mommy hair"
"Fire hot!"
"Birdie Tweet Tweet"
"No, all done!"
"More cando!" (more candle)
"Basemnt" (basement)
"Bye Bye Peens" (saying good bye to his penis when we put diaper on)
"twaitwax" (train tracks)
"MisRaja" (Mister Rogers)
"Ububu" (umbrella)
"Bye Bye AnnaJoan" (anna and jon, our neigbors)
"Sit ca" (sit in the car)
"motoca" (motorcycle)
"Big truck"
"Back sweep" (wants to go back in crib)
"Twinka twinka" (twinkle twinkle)
"No ticko" (no tickle)
"Mail truck"
"coffee hot"
"Adar" (a star)
"trianguh" (triangle)
"hurko" (circle)
"mo angie peese!" (more orange please!)
"Mommy tush" (while mommy is getting dressed)
"machine" (lawn mower next door)
"op-nee window" (open window)
"take home" (about toy in store he wanted).
"tankyu" (thank you) when we bought the toy, said to store clerk).
"bye bye home" (driving away from home)
"More adar" (more stars- when making stars out of playdoh)
"Mommy hair"
"Fire hot!"
"Birdie Tweet Tweet"
"No, all done!"
"More cando!" (more candle)
"Basemnt" (basement)
"Bye Bye Peens" (saying good bye to his penis when we put diaper on)
"twaitwax" (train tracks)
"MisRaja" (Mister Rogers)
"Ububu" (umbrella)
"Bye Bye AnnaJoan" (anna and jon, our neigbors)
"Sit ca" (sit in the car)
"motoca" (motorcycle)
"Big truck"
"Back sweep" (wants to go back in crib)
"Twinka twinka" (twinkle twinkle)
"No ticko" (no tickle)
"Mail truck"
"coffee hot"
"Adar" (a star)
"trianguh" (triangle)
"hurko" (circle)
"mo angie peese!" (more orange please!)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Kids say the darndest things
While putting Jonah to bed each night, I sing him the song from "Dumbo", "Baby Mine". It usually lulls him right into la-la land. Tonight, for the first time he started to repeat words in the song, like "eyes", "baby", etc.
He told me today, "put playdoh away". I think this is one of his first real sentences. Yesterday, he went up to Sam's feet and pointed, saying, "Daddy's toes" and then to his own toes, "Jonah's toes".
Jonah's grandparents, "Tata" and "Saba" (my parents) came to visit this weekend. We had so much fun together. We went to a petting zoo with bunnies, baby chicks, baby goats, a pony and baby alpacas. Jonah loved to pet them all. Then, we heard a live band at the same farm, where he really enjoyed dancing.
Jonah has a new babysitter Melissa ("Lissa") that he adores. She stays with him while mommy takes a water color painting class on Mondays. He likes her necklace with the stars on it ("a-dar, pretty, nice") and also likes her "baselets".
The other day when it rained, Jonah told us "naining, umbella".
He told me today, "put playdoh away". I think this is one of his first real sentences. Yesterday, he went up to Sam's feet and pointed, saying, "Daddy's toes" and then to his own toes, "Jonah's toes".
Jonah's grandparents, "Tata" and "Saba" (my parents) came to visit this weekend. We had so much fun together. We went to a petting zoo with bunnies, baby chicks, baby goats, a pony and baby alpacas. Jonah loved to pet them all. Then, we heard a live band at the same farm, where he really enjoyed dancing.
Jonah has a new babysitter Melissa ("Lissa") that he adores. She stays with him while mommy takes a water color painting class on Mondays. He likes her necklace with the stars on it ("a-dar, pretty, nice") and also likes her "baselets".
The other day when it rained, Jonah told us "naining, umbella".
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Paint and Play-Doh Please!
This morning was an artistic one. After breakfast, we went to Jonah's room and he pointed at the play-doh, wanting to play with it. He wasn't sure what to call it, but as soon as I named it for him, he repeated, "Pay doh!" We rolled it, cut out stars ("dah") and had a lot of fun, even when Jonah rubbed it in his hair when he was "all-done!"
Immediately following this, he asked for "paint!" so we pulled out the finger paints and he went to it. He must be getting ready for the art class we signed him up for next week.
His language has grown tremendously over the past month.
He now has mini sentences like these:
"No, mommy" (all time favorite)
"No more cereal" (or oatmeal or whatever he's eating).
"Paint house" (saw people on TV painting a house)
"Park 'Neek" (we played at the park with his friend Monique)
Immediately following this, he asked for "paint!" so we pulled out the finger paints and he went to it. He must be getting ready for the art class we signed him up for next week.
His language has grown tremendously over the past month.
He now has mini sentences like these:
"No, mommy" (all time favorite)
"No more cereal" (or oatmeal or whatever he's eating).
"Paint house" (saw people on TV painting a house)
"Park 'Neek" (we played at the park with his friend Monique)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Jonah's first two-word combination of words is "more please!"
He said it while asking for more cereal from Daddy's bowl.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Almost 16 months and sayin' all this....!
New Words This Month (in addition to those posted on Jan 5):
"-'Tar" (Guitar)
"H" (the letter)
"O" (the letter)
Diapie (diaper)
Paci (pacifier)
Uh-Oh (when food drops)
Clean up (when putting toys away)
Baff (bath)
Cooco (cookie)
star (dar)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Turning it Off
"OFF!" says Jonah as he turns off the TV with the remote. He runs away giggling and then comes back and turns it on briefly just to turn it off again and shout, "off!" again. He clearly picked up on our message from early on that we don't want him watching TV!!!
He also says off while shutting off lights. He likes to really articulate the ffff part of "off"!
He also says off while shutting off lights. He likes to really articulate the ffff part of "off"!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Copy Cat!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Finding the J
More games: The other day we were skyping with my parents. The laptop was set up on a table so that they could watch him play. On his own, he started playing "where's Jonah?". He crouched down out of view, while we said "Where's Jonah?" Whenever he's playing this game he looks at us, holding his hands palms up, as if gesturing "I don't know!" Then he popped up into the view of the camera, laughing and clapping.
This evening we were playing upstairs in the bedroom and we asked Jonah to go find his "J". He went into his room and found the name puzzle (build into the top of the wooden stool) and picked up the "h". Not bad! He understood what we were talking about!
Aliza gave Jonah and piece of trash and asked him to throw it away. He took it, went into the next room and threw it in the trash can.
He's figure out how to open doors by turning and pulling the door knob.
This evening we were playing upstairs in the bedroom and we asked Jonah to go find his "J". He went into his room and found the name puzzle (build into the top of the wooden stool) and picked up the "h". Not bad! He understood what we were talking about!
Aliza gave Jonah and piece of trash and asked him to throw it away. He took it, went into the next room and threw it in the trash can.
He's figure out how to open doors by turning and pulling the door knob.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Fun Day- playing and game making!
Jonah had a play date today with Juliet (who for the record is basically the same age as he is). For the first time, he shared his toys without a fuss and even tried to share his juice with her (his most treasured thing!) He was less generous with sharing "Bunny" but we'll forgive him for that.
He pat her on the back and even called her "baby" (I think!) Overall they played stupendously well together, and even sat down for a shared Cheerios snack.
Later tonight, he played a game with us which was all his doing. He took a big spoon off the shelf and ran away with it behind his back. Then he'd come to Sam and I and would intentionally hide it behind his back with one hand and with the other hand make the gesture like, "What's going on here?" prompting us to ask him where the spoon was. He'd then pull it out from behind his back and start laughing.
He pat her on the back and even called her "baby" (I think!) Overall they played stupendously well together, and even sat down for a shared Cheerios snack.
Later tonight, he played a game with us which was all his doing. He took a big spoon off the shelf and ran away with it behind his back. Then he'd come to Sam and I and would intentionally hide it behind his back with one hand and with the other hand make the gesture like, "What's going on here?" prompting us to ask him where the spoon was. He'd then pull it out from behind his back and start laughing.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
14 months, 18 words
Daddy (sounds just like Doggy but looking at Daddy)
Mamma, Mammoooo (both for mommy)
More ("mo", as in "mo better")
Juice (emphasis on the "uice")
Cheese ("cheeeeese")
Chicken (nuggets)
lights (emphasis on "TS", a silent "li")
Bunny ("unny")
wuwu (sound the dog makes)
wawa (not to be confused with wuwu)
fish ("ish")
cracker (surprisingly close!)
bottle (baba)
Zacky (for Zack in his daycare, said surprisingly clear-- even Carolyn could tell!)
Car (cacacar)
Yogurt (gogurt)
Daddy (sounds just like Doggy but looking at Daddy)
Mamma, Mammoooo (both for mommy)
More ("mo", as in "mo better")
Juice (emphasis on the "uice")
Cheese ("cheeeeese")
Chicken (nuggets)
lights (emphasis on "TS", a silent "li")
Bunny ("unny")
wuwu (sound the dog makes)
wawa (not to be confused with wuwu)
fish ("ish")
cracker (surprisingly close!)
bottle (baba)
Zacky (for Zack in his daycare, said surprisingly clear-- even Carolyn could tell!)
Car (cacacar)
Yogurt (gogurt)
Sitting, climbing, and more talking
Jonah learned to sit on his own today-- Sam showed him how to turn around and sit on the steps and while we were getting dinner ready, he went and did it on his own-- up on the third step, just sitting there.
He has become quite fond of climbing up on things-- his new favorite thing to do is climb up on his step stool and play with things on the ottoman.
At daycare today, he said "Zacky" for the boy (Zack) that he plays with there. When he was ready to leave, he grabbed his lunch bag, slung it over his shoulder and waved bye to everyone!
We have a feeling he understands way more than he can articulate-- he can feed a bottle to his babydoll when you tell him to, he put his bottle pieces together today after watching Sam do it,
He points to his ears when you ask "Where are your ears?" and can name many of the pictures in his "Big Book of Words" book, including; cheese, doggy (for all 4 legged creatures), juice, water, car.
He has become quite fond of climbing up on things-- his new favorite thing to do is climb up on his step stool and play with things on the ottoman.
At daycare today, he said "Zacky" for the boy (Zack) that he plays with there. When he was ready to leave, he grabbed his lunch bag, slung it over his shoulder and waved bye to everyone!
We have a feeling he understands way more than he can articulate-- he can feed a bottle to his babydoll when you tell him to, he put his bottle pieces together today after watching Sam do it,
He points to his ears when you ask "Where are your ears?" and can name many of the pictures in his "Big Book of Words" book, including; cheese, doggy (for all 4 legged creatures), juice, water, car.
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